Best Sneaker Proxies for Sneaker Botting?

Jan 10, 2024 2 min read

Ever tried to snag those limited-edition Yeezys, Air Jordans, or Adidas kicks? It's not as simple as hitting 'add to cart.' These sought-after sneakers often involve standing in endless lines or facing swift online competition. So, how do you level the playing field? The secret lies in using sneaker proxies and bots.

What are Sneaker Proxies?

Think of sneaker proxies as VIP tickets to the hottest online shoe stores. They are special middleman IP addresses optimized for buying limited-release sneakers, giving you an edge against others using bots.

How to choose the best Sneaker Proxies?

When hunting for the best sneaker proxies for your bot, keep an eye out for these features:

  • Residential or ISP Proxies: Forget datacenter proxies; go for residential or ISP proxies for better results.

  • Location of the Store Server: Get proxies close to the store's server location to speed up your connection.

  • Stable IP Addresses: Ensure your proxies can maintain the same IP address for at least 10 minutes, crucial for queue-based systems.

  • Fast Proxies: While speed isn't everything, it still matters. Aim for the fastest proxies possible.

Residential vs. Datacenter Proxies for Sneakers Botting

In the past, datacenter proxies were the go-to choice for speed, but now residential proxies have the upper hand. Shoe sites spot datacenter IPs quickly and might ban them. Residential proxies, connected to real people, are a safer bet.

ISP Sneaker Proxies: A Hidden Gem

ISP proxies, akin to datacenter proxies but registered with consumer ISPs, offer speed and reliability. However, they come with their challenges: they're hard to acquire, pricey, and lack unlimited IPs. Mixing them with residential proxies might be your winning strategy.

How to Use Sneaker Proxies Effectively?

  • Multiple IPs: Increase your chances by using multiple proxies to avoid getting blocked.
  • One IP for One Task: Some sites allow only one IP per purchase, preventing blocks.
  • Collect CAPTCHA Tokens: Sneaker bots that enable you to collect CAPTCHA tokens make your life easier.
  • Monitor Releases: Assign proxies to keep an eye on upcoming drops for a heads-up.
  • Filter Out Slow IPs: For residential proxies, check and remove slow addresses just before a release.

Choose the best Sneaker Proxies

Never Use Free Sneaker Proxies

Don't fall for free sneaker proxies. They're likely banned or too slow, making the buying process even tougher than it already is.

Best Sneaker Proxy Services

Here are some reliable proxy services that you can rely on when using sneaker bots:

  • Smartproxy: Smartproxy offers fast and stable proxies, and they also have both rotating and ISP proxy options.
  • Zeus Proxy: Zeus Proxy provides rotating proxies with an extensive pool of over 100 million IPs across 103 countries, you can target your desired location and set the rotating duration from 1 to 30 minutes as needed.
  • Oxylabs: As a premium proxy provider, Oxylabs doesn’t have the cheapest rates. But the quality lives up to the price. Aim for it if you’re ready to pay the steep price for one of the top choices in the market.
  • SOAX: This proxy service has a high success rate and fast response time. However, SOAX only offers monthly plans so you’ll need to commit with them for at least a month to test the quality.


Remember, the key to success lies in choosing the right bots and proxies. This strategic combination will undoubtedly elevate your chances of securing those sought-after limited-edition sneakers. 

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